Yoga Homework Level I Fundamentals
Prasarita Padottanasana
OK Level I Fundamentals students, it’s time to learn to practice on your own. Home practice does NOT have to be like class! The most important thing is to do it. And to be intelligent on what is needed for the body each day. Time is always an issue… so just like we did in today’s class, you can spread it out from less than five minutes all the way into a good half hour practice.
Supta Padangusthasana (leg extension hamstring stretch) if you have the time, make this your “grounding” asana, by doing it for 3 minutes each leg. Arms over your head. Breathe! Keep the leg you aren’t stretching active. It’s about steadying the mind and being still. And when you “don’t feel anymore stretch” on an exhale, stretch a bit more and hold it there.
Virabhadrasana II (warrior II) - touch and go, or hold for 30 seconds, or do it twice, or three times. Whatever you decide you need to do, do THAT! You are the teacher for yourself today. Use your intelligence (not your ego) to decide what is right for you that day.
Utthita Parsvakonasana (extended side angle) - same as you did in Virabhadrasana II. So whatever/however you chose to practice this day, you do the same here. The idea being that you develop whatever strength, stability, and stamina in ALL the poses!!!! No picking and choosing.
Prasarita Padottanasana (wide leg forward extension) - upward facing! Use your upper back. Look UP! Do it for the same length of time you did the standing poses.
Trikonasana (triangle) - same as above. However you did the other standing poses, do the same here. Is there a goal? Maybe holding one minute on each side? Work up to it.
Prasarita Padottanasana (wide leg forward extension) - AGAIN. Upward facing! Use your upper back. Look UP! Do it for the same length of time you did the standing poses.
Savasana (corpse) - give yourself at least 2 minutes of rest after this. Don’t skip it. Savasana is not about resting as much as it’s about integration of the prana that has been moved in the asanas above.
AND, as a special treat, here is the world famous Amitabh Bachchan singing Shava, Shava (meaning “Corpse, Corpse” on the occasion of an important birthday. This is from the 2001 Bollywood blockbuster Kabhi Kushi Kabhie Gham. Available on Netflix and Amazon Prime.